Sell My real-life Story.

Sell your story with an expert writer! Alison Smith-Squire has written tens of thousands of words for interviewees …

True real-life story to sell? Alison at Featureworld specialises in selling true stories and real-life stories to national newspapers, magazines and television.  Your true-life story is told with care, integrity and for the most money.

Here’s just a few cuttings of recent interviewees and their real-life stories from newspapers and magazines . Each one of them started their journey by coming to Alison Smith-Squire, and asking for her advice. Click on each of the real-life stories to read them – to see where their stories were placed, which publications they appeared in and how they find their ‘selling my story’ experience – and find out more about how to sell your real-life story to a magazine, newspaper or TV …

And here are some of those interviewees telling their real-life stories on television…

Real-life stories at Featureworld…

Sell my story, photos or video footage with Alison!

Want to sell a real-life story to a major national newspaper or magazine? Alison Smith-Squire is one of the most experienced and most respected media agents,  journalists, and publicists in the UK. She sells true, real-life stories to all the UK media – syndicating stories worldwide – and gives free advice to interviewees about dealing with the press.

Alison gains interviewees the best deal and the best price for their real-life story – while at the same time ensuring all copy is read back prior to a story being published.

Find out more about Alison.

How selling a real-life story with Alison works.

Simply fill in the form to the right of this page >>> If your story has potential to be featured in a national newspaper or magazine or on TV, Alison will get back to you.

All forms are confidential.

Once you have agreed to sell your story through Alison, she will send a synopsis to all interested editors and report back with their interest. You can then decide if you wish to go ahead or not.

Find out more about how the process of selling your story works.

Real-life stories sold for the Best Price.

Alison is able to gain the best price for stories by selling your real-life story to the highest bidder. She writes the story and is paid depending on how much the story makes in the publication – ie: a front page will command more than a small piece towards the back of a paper! This way there is no fee to pay from you and she can offer interviewees a FREE SERVICE.

Afterwards she is able to sell your story on to another magazine or newspaper or even get a deal on TV.

Featureworld also sells real-life stories to television! Find out more: sell my story to TV